What is Artificial Intelligence or AI? How does AI help in Image Making?

When it comes to image making, mankind has a long and varied history of expressing it through imagery. From cave paintings to modern advertisements, the ways of creating and viewing art has shifted with times.

Digital Image Making

The traditional darkroom techniques used to edit and manipulate photos have been replaced by powerful digital editing software and hardware solutions. Image makers have a plethora of tools and resources at their command, ranging from digital cameras and scanners to editing applications and photography editing software. Such digital tools are now extensively used to generate images.

Artificial Intelligence in Image Making

Today, however, artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous in the world of image making. AI is used to create, modify, and manipulate images.

It can be used to make new images or to alter old ones by changing the hues or modifying the contrast. The successes of AI have already stretched the limits of innovation and are changing the way we live in this world. In short, AI is transforming everything we engage with in this world, from self-driving vehicles to voice-activated assistants.

Using AI, machines have started making their own images using sophisticated algorithms. Images created using such algorithms are indeed unique digital artworks. 

Such breakthroughs in artificial intelligence have allowed the creation of technologies that were previously thought to be impossible. Let us look at two such technologies here: OpenAI and DalleE.

OpenAI is a non-profit organization devoted to creating safe artificial intelligence in all aspects of living. They developed the GPT-2 algorithm, which can produce extremely accurate text descriptions from pictures. GANs, or generative adversarial networks, are AI systems that are taught to compete with one another in order to create the most lifelike pictures.

DalleE is yet another non-profit group devoted to studying human sight through computer vision systems. It employs a deep neural network that is programmed to create photorealistic photos from written descriptions.

While the technology behind both these platforms are complex, they both are based on a simple and straightforward idea – that when you give an AI program certain inputs such as texts and images, it can generate an image that looks just like a photograph. This can be used to quickly create realistic-looking images for advertising, applications, and web design.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the future of image making. The potential applications of it are simply brilliant and vast – and it will continue to evolve as technology improves. For instance, AI could be used to quickly create visuals for marketing campaigns or even to generate images for use in layout and graphic design.

With more sophisticated machine learning techniques on the horizon, we may see an improved experience for both creators and consumers.

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ISCA is a one-of-a-kind design school for the creatively motivated that offers highest quality learning programmes in creative arts

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